
PDX Pix - March 2013

Goodness.  We are behind schedule here.  Please pardon the delays.  This now-antiquated act of "blogging" has apparently taken a back seat to some of the following activities this spring (but we'll get caught up here soon, I promise):

We continued the never-ending process of getting our house furnished.  Banjo approves of new sofa and has claimed it as his own.  He keeps it from floating away most of the day, I'm pretty sure.

We went on a couple of trips with a wildlife tracking/preservation group called Cascadia Wild that my coworker is active with.  The trips were up on Mt. Hood and the goal was to reach some remotely located heat-sensing cameras, retrieve the photos from the last month or so, and re-stock the bait and batteries.  Here's some of our group setting the deer meat bait under the snow and lashing it to a tree so animals can't take it with them.  The cameras are looking for evidence of rare species such as red fox, wolverines, lynx.  Unfortunately our trips only found pictures of birds, pine martens (cute!), a couple wolves (see below), and a lot of stray hikers and xc-skiers (we moved the camera to solve that problem).

Our group en route with Hood in the background.  We had sun and great views on this trip, and a blizzard on an earlier one.

Here's an example of one of the photos showing a coyote eyeing the bait.

Not quite sure what this is...  just Kate enjoying our downstairs area?  Sure. 

In March my grandmother passed after fighting some tough illnesses for the past year.  While sad to not have her around any more, it was very nice to get together with family in Florida to remember her and share some rare time together.  Here's me and my grandpa playing some bingo.

I had no idea bingo was so complicated and there were so many patterns to keep track of!  This is serious business... no time for chit chat!

Late March marks the end of spring training, and therefor our annual fantasy baseball draft.  Steve and Frank came down from Seattle this year and we all had a fun weekend.  Here's Steve and his dogs on our post-draft hike.

Draft-day war-room in our house.  Frank's the photographer here.


Anonymous said...

Catch up on blogging. Naughty Tom.

Tom said...

Working on it! When can we expect our summer fruit shipment?

Anonymous said...

Man. I dunno about the summer fruit shipment. Nate's actually in Colorado right now on his was to Arizona for a lot of the summer (we're having dinner tonight).

And then next weekend I'm off to Canada for what sounds like pretty much the whole summer...

Possibly late August. But we'll have to see. And it's not just a shipment. More of a personal delivery, if and when it happens...

But they'll always sell you fruit right out of the warehouse, pretty cheap, if you're ever in the neighborhood...