
Grape Ave. here we come!

Well, we haven't signed the lease yet, but we have found a new place to live down in Sunnyvale! The main reason for our move is either a) to be closer to our jobs in Palo Alto and San Jose or b) to allow us to have a dog, depending on who you ask. Actually, we're both pretty excited about both reasons. Anyways, the new place is in a beautiful tree-lined neighborhood on the Mountain View-Sunnyvale border, which is perfectly between our two jobs, closer to our friends, and near downtown Mountain View, which has a little more to offer in the entertainment department than, say, "downtown" Foster City. We actually have been very happy with living here, but I think it will be a nice change. Things we will be giving up: vaulted ceilings, larger kitchen, dishwasher, hot tub/pool, nearby Baylands trail on the water, proximity to Half Moon Bay and SF, our friendly neighbors, and being 10 steps away from our polling place every 2 years. Things we will be getting: larger, 2BR duplex, attached and usable garage space, questionably usable mini-dishwasher on wheels, nice little back and side yard (for dog?), school with huge field right across the street, friendly landlady, room to setup a separate office area, proximity to friends, shorter commutes, a clothesline, a pink bathroom(!), and being steps (well, several blocks, I guess) from an Arby's (whose special brand of fast food I got to experience first hand for the first time today... mmm). Depending on how quickly they can get new carpet, paint, and dishwasher situation sorted out we will likely move in around the middle of December. Hopefully it'll be later than that, so we don't have to deal with it before Christmas travel. Here are a few pictures of the new place:


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new place! Grape Avenue is a funny name. Is it a whole neighborhood of fruit names?

Tom said...

Now that you mention it, it does appear that we have Mango, Pear, Nectarine, Pepper, Pinenut, Prune, Orange, Maraschino, Cranberry, Lime, Mandarin, Blackberry, McIntosh, Plum, Quince, Riesling, Pimento, and Nutmeg streets nearby. So it's some strange combo of fruit and women's names, like Mary, Susan, Lynn, Dona, Lois, Ramona, Pippin, Elmira, and Robin. Feel free to check it out yourself at "here".

Steve said...

Pippin is a type of apple... I believe that Elmira fits in with the other random upstate NY names. Like Syracuse, Ithaca, Saranac, Oneida.

Anonymous said...

Looks very cool. Is the kitchen really smaller than you have?
Found the neighborhood on GoogleEarth--the schoolyard across the street is a real asset.
Unlike the Arby's.
So when are we invited?