
Year 28 starts now

November 13 - today is my 27th birthday! Hooray, I'm officially in my "late twenties," which officially makes me start to feel old. I think it's also officially the time when you start to wish people would think you were younger, as opposed to when you're 15 and wished people would think you were 19, or when you are 23 and happy with people thinking you're 23. Also, were I a major league baseball player, this would statistically be my most productive year. Watch out, Foster City Rec Dept. softball leagues!

Anyways, over the weekend we:
  • Checked out a new house/duplex in Mountain View that would be great if we got - but we are sort of doubtful due to the hoardes of people that were also at the open house.
  • Had lunch while watching Stanford vs. Santa Clara rugby! This was fun, despite my not really knowing all the rugby rules. I did gather that were I to play this sport I would break rather quickly and ignominiously. Fun to watch though.
  • Went for a short hike at Arastradero preserve
  • Kate took me to Gryphon Music where, for my birthday present, we got a mandolin! For now, it's just a rental, but I'm excited to try to learn, mostly just to be able to play an instrument. I think it's a hobby I'd like to have and could keep up. We'll see how it goes.
  • Met Bailey and his friend in Palo Alto for dinner and gelato
  • Saw "Little Miss Sunshine" with Cram. This movie was great, we all liked it better than Borat. It's hilarious, the acting is great, and it also has a really nice message to it as well. Very well done.
  • Kate went to the Raiders/Broncos game with Maggie on Sunday
  • and we made lasagnas. Nice to have the chest freezer.
So now it's back to work - hopefully we'll have productive weeks and get our Friday off.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Ho!

I just downloaded this great recording of this awesome mandolin dude playing a workshop over in Napa, so I'll send that your way soon along with another Mountain Winery concert recording I grabbed - BB King. Not sure if BB is your thing, but I'm sending because of where it was recorded. I'll probably mail from Miami in a week to cut down the international postage, so be on the lookout. I've now got your blog on my RSS feed. Oh. I told you I'd tell you about it if I figured it out. I have - but I'm not entirely pleased with it. There may be better programs out there than what I'm using. This is a really long comment, which has absolutely zero pertinence to most blog readers... oh well.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Welcome to biological middle age...