
I'm "Acceptable"!!

Many of you know that I have had mysteriously high cholesterol. Mysterious because generally 20-something women who are in pretty good shape and eat (relatively) healthily have cholesterol in the low-100s, while mine seemed to hover between 250 - 300. There was clearly some genetic component as a number of people in my family are in the same situation, so we've been monitoring it since I was in high school.

Anyway, I had a yearly cholesterol test last week, and for the first time ever I am below 200! 198 to be exact, but at least this is in the "normal" range. Also, my HDL (good cholesterol) has about doubled and my LDL (bad cholesterol) has dropped since the last time it was tested.

I'm not 100% what the cause of all this is, but I'm willing to let Banjo and the 2 walks / runs a day we've been giving him have some of the credit. Anyway, I got a letter from the doctor telling me that these levels were "acceptable" and she didn't recommend any medication at this time! So that's great news all around, and hopefully it continues to drop. Time to bust out the flax seeds, oatmeal, and avocado...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear your good news... As you know, your skinny mother-in-law eats just as healthily and is working to stay below the Mendoza line. She recommends a couple of teaspoons of flax oil with a meal (don't forget you have to refrigerate it.
Meanwhile, out here on the range we're having the full ranch breakfast.