
I know where you live...

Hopefully this isn't too NSA-esque and creepy, but I found Statisfy.net, a cool google maps mashup on another blog that I read, and thought I'd apply it to this site. Basically, it geographically maps out where the hits on a given website are coming from. It's pretty new, so there aren't a lot of features - as it is it will cycle through the last 10 visits, pausing briefly to show you where each was from. If you have a website that you would like to add it to, there is a link from the site. Here is the link to the Commentators custom Statisfy site: statisfy.net/commentators


1 comment:

Tom said...

Interesting, apparently Lockheed Martin routes all of its internet traffic through Glenmoore, PA. And I thought we just had some secret admirers hiding in Philadelphia suburbs. But no, that's just me. Or all of the other fans of our blog who also work at LM... riiiiight.