
KatenTom get Artsy

As I have established in earlier posts, I'm not much of an artist. So when I find some sort of crafty project that I CAN do, I get really really excited. Anyway, I saw an article about these reuseable grocery bags online (Thanks, Martha!) and decided that they might be within my range of ability. So, naturally, I mass-produced about 30 of them in a two-day rush in December and gave them all away as Christmas presents. Incidentally, I suspect that my sewing might have been slightly suspect on that first batch - if anyone has any "manufacturer's defects" on their bags, let me know and I will issue an exchage...
Last week Tom and I decided that we needed some of our own bags too, so we hit the local goodwill and bought 10 more cool kids' tee-shirts. We finally got around to finishing them tonight, and I thought I would share our handiwork with the world. Cool, eh? And environmentally friendly, too! If you want to make your own, directions are as follows:
Sew the bottom of a t-shirt shut.
Lop off the sleeves.
Lop off the neck.

Now THAT's a recipe that is just my size.


Anonymous said...

I've had 'Calgary Stampede' out on the town the last few days. Still kickin'...

Erin said...

I am still bitter about Ari stealing mine at the yankee swap! This is next on my list of fun projects for a rainy day =)

Anonymous said...

Oh *GIVE ME A BREAK,* erin m.

I offered you the candy bag. And any others you wanted. Sincerely. You wouldn't take any. And now? Most of them are just hanging in my closet.

They'll be yours come May. Or June. Or July. Or August. At some point soon, they'll find the good home they deserve.

But you WILL NOT make me feel guilty about this.

Anonymous said...

And it's nice to see Ho clean-shaven again.

Did he temporarily leave either a mustache or a goatee along the way?

Anonymous said...


As a grateful recipient of four of these bags, I've been meaning to email you that I am a borderline local celebrity at the grocery store, where all the checkout staff LOVE the bags and have even stopped working to take a bag over to a friend in another area of the store to show off your handiwork. Seriously.

I think Bo-Delicious is the local favorite.


Anonymous said...

So tonight I saw what my cousin's girlfriend made my cousin (they're old) for Christmas with her sewing machine - tshirt underwear.

She took old tshirts and made them into underwear. Very cute and clever. Different styles. Boxers, briefs, etc... very well made and clever.

I want some. Kate should try it (not for me, just in general...)

I think the only thing the LI added was some elastic for the waistband.