
Mini-BANGing around SF

Phew! What a busy and exciting weekend! Aside from spending a great day in Napa, with Gordie, Amanda, Brenna, and Cassidy (all from Vermont), Kate and I took part in a San Francisco puzzle hunt, a.k.a. "mini-BANG," or Bay Area Night Game, a irregularly scheduled one-night puzzle hunt/race that maybe 10-20 teams of 4-8 puzzlers compete in, primarily for the fun of solving these creative and elegantly designed puzzles that the organizers put a lot of time and effort into. This one was "leisurely" in that nothing was scored (so non-competitive), and it was during the day. It was a blast! Our friend Marc organized it, and in addition to us and Marc, our team had another friend Mark from work (and a SF local, which helped immensely) and our friend Rich from Kate's boardgame group. I can't post too much about it yet as they are running the mini-game this coming weekend too, and don't want any info leaking out. But stay tuned for more details and maybe some of the puzzles themselves to see how you would have fared. Thanks to coedastronomy for organizing a super-fun hunt! In the meantime, here's our team poring over puzzle #4 in a San Francisco pub...

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