
San Francisco mini-game wrapup

Now that the mini-game/puzzle hunt we did in San Francisco earlier this month is completed, the group that organized it has posted a 'wrapup' page with all of the puzzles, their solutions,
a map from the info booklet they provided, and some "travel puzzles" that were shorter puzzles designed to be solved as we traveled from location to location around the city.

If you're interested, give them a try yourself - the solutions are there but hold off as long as you can, you'll enjoy getting them yourself. Some knowledge of San Francisco is sort of useful (but the map provided should be sufficient), particularly in getting the final answer words from Clue #1 and a start on Clue #3. For Clue #1, we were actually provided with lego pieces glued together in the shapes shown, so it was a little more fun to play around with than pieces of paper (and we didn't have to cut them out). Similarly for Clue #2 we got little colored foam pieces instead of the same on paper that you see in the pdf. Clue #4 is a beast, so unless you want to put an hour plus into solving that one you might want to pass. Also, it should be noted that we had to use an almanac to solve some of these.

Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy trying some of these, or the travel puzzles, or maybe just looking at them. There are some pictures from other groups linked on the coedastronomy wrapup page, but if you don't want to see solutions to some of the puzzles, don't look at them.

Again, thanks to the coed astronomy group, and hopefully we'll get to do another one of these puzzle hunts in the future - it was a lot of fun and good brain exercise!

1 comment:

Tom said...

So, nobody has tried any of the puzzles yet? I think Travel Clues #2 and #4 are pretty cool, if you only have a shorter, non-SF themed puzzle in you.