
Down to the wire

Forget about the Yankees not being in a pennant race - I am! Here are the current point totals for our Dartmouth (and friends) fantasy baseball league. I'm the 'Infield Slide Rules' (Kate is 'Girls Just Want To Have Runs'). As you can see, I'm locked in a fierce battle for 1st with Sky ('Doug and Sky's Get Buff...'). Only three more weeks in the season, how's it going to turn out?

P.S. - I'll share my winnings with you if anyone out there can hack into Sky's account and make him drop ARod and Johnny Damon for Sidney Ponson and Matt Stairs.

P.P.S. - Bonus points for anyone who can guess which teams are Frank's, Steve (Sliva)'s, and Mike (from Indiana)'s.


A said...

Who're all this other team/name pairs?

You can reply to me off-blog if you have time/inclination.

Anonymous said...

Mike from Indiana = Hoosier Daddies
Sliva = Spitsballs
Frank = ? Master Batters ? - I don't know, that one's just a guess...

Tom said...

Correct you are, anonymous! Too bad you're anonymous and thus can't claim the cash prize.

Anonymous said...

It is my deepest wish that the amount of the cash prize be donated to the SPCA in Banjo's name.