
Another YTVotD

I know I know, get back to cute pictures of Banjo. All in good time, gentle reader.

But I wanted to post this so some of you could see it before Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex) or his staffers realize how far he has stuck his own head up where the sun don't shine by putting this clip on his own YouTube channel complete with sensationalist graphic at the beginning indicating he thinks he's successfully made his point. Anyways without further ado - Rep. Joe Barton questions Energy Secretary and Nobel Laureate Steven Chu on how oil got to Alaska.

I am honestly amazed. Not just that Chu had to explain that to a US Congressman, but that Barton appears to think he's made Chu look like a fool with his "so-called continental drift theory hogwash." Anyways, this will probably be pulled soon, so get it while it's hot. Too bad comments are disabled on that video, they would have been interesting to read.

Thanks to GOOD magazine again for the link - it's a good blog, check it out.

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