
Craigslist Adventures

Tom and I have been a little quiet recently - probably a combination of short days (dark at 4:30 round here) and relatively unbloggable evenings. We've been packing and prepping for our move to Grape Street a fair amount, and hope to be all ready to go by next Friday. So far we've taken 3 trips to Goodwill and packed a bunch of boxes into the garage, but the house still looks exactly the same. Sigh.

Craigslist, which you are all probably very familiar with, is a mover's best friend. We have used it before to buy a few things (some snowshoes, a chest freezer, etc.) but had never attempted to sell anything before. We didn't go in with particularly high expectations, as people are notoriously flakey on craigslist, and often will not follow through on various promises. But last weekend, with our move date rapidly approaching, we decided that it was high time to get rid of some big-ticket items that we've been accumulating, including an old bike, a laptop computer, and a bunch of vases. We also decided to post our current apartment - our lease allows us to "sublet" the apartment to avoid having to pay double rent for the next couple of months. I had low expectations for this last item, as I couldn't imagine many people would want to move into a new apartment the week before Christmas, but we figured it was worth a shot. We had tried to negotiate a later date at the new duplex but weren't meeting with much success.

Anyway, we were overwhelmed with responses within the first day. We sold the bike (the infamous Giant Butte) and the laptop (vintage 1998) and had about 10 responses about the apartment. The final apartment paperwork came through this week, and Tom and I are absolutely thrilled. We had basically written off two months worth of double rent, so it feels like an enormous windfall!

So all the pieces are in order for our move next weekend. The next step - turning around and buying a kitchen island and maybe some new shelving to accent our new (smaller) kitchen. Craigslist, here we come....


Steve said...

I agree! Craiglist is great.

Anonymous said...

Stevesliva is a fan of Amazon marketplace as well.