
Moving – Day 1

Tom and I woke up early to do that last bit of packing before the movers showed up at 10 am. We felt like we were in pretty good shape, having packed every night for the last week or so, but there were a couple big things (clothes in the closet, plants on the porch, etc.) that still needed to get done. I was cutting down the final vines of our bougainvillea at 9:45 or so when Tom came running inside to tell me that the movers and their very graffiti-covered truck had arrived. I had found these guys (AA movers) on Craigslist, of course, where for a low rate they offered to bring two men and a 24 foot truck, which apparently they didn’t park in a very safe neighborhood. At least we gave our neighbors something to snicker about, eh?

On the phone, they claimed that they could move a 2-3 bedroom house with a truck that size, so we figured it would be no problem. Especially since we really try not to accumulate too much “stuff” in our lives, and don’t have many things that we don’t use relatively frequently. However, the stuff we do have is relatively massive, as it turns out. You can’t exactly pack a foosball table or a 250 lb burl oak coffee table into a tight little corner of the truck. So there was much pushing and prodding and re-arranging, until we finally got all our worldly goods packed into this truck. All in all, moving all our stuff into the truck took about 3 hours.

Moving everything out of the truck was much quicker, as Tom and I felt like we could jump in and help shlep stuff around. 45 minutes later we paid off the movers and were alone with our huge piles of boxes in our new house! Welcome to 864 Grape Ave, Tommenkate!


Steve said...

Nice truck! Good job suckering someone into moving the coffee table.

Anonymous said...

I love that table.

It's nice hearing about the move, but are you coming to New Years?

And what's a bougainvillea?

Tom said...

Who is commenter #2? If she is refering to Amherst, we are not going to make it. New Year's plans as of now consist of spending most of the 31st on a Southwest 737 (or two) crossing the country, possibly going up to Tahoe either that night or later. We're sad to be missing the Greenmen gathering, though.

Tom said...

Oh, a bougainvillea is a viney, flowering plant we had on our patio in Foster City. We're not sure if it has survived its extrication from the railings it had grown around and truck ride, not to mention recent sub-freezing temperatures here.