

I will be making these post-haste. Stay tuned for an update! (Click the pickle for more details....)

***********Update 5-11-07********************

The pickles are pickling!


Anonymous said...

how funny kate!
i had just finished reading that article in the NY Times when i clicked over to your blog.
i think i'll have to try some sort of concoction too...we can compare notes
-erin o.

Kate said...

Sounds good! One thing I was unclear on is whether you leave the vinegar in the jar or if you take it out and completely replace it with Kool-aid. I couldn't find any recipes online yet, although I imagine with this NY times exposure there will be some posted soon. Anyway, I'm going to try replacing it entirely with kool-aid (red), and I'll let you know how it goes!

Anonymous said...

yeah, you're right. it doesn't clearly say. since you are replacing the vinegar entirely, i'll try adding the kool aid w/ the vinegar. i'm going with grape..YIKES!
we've got our own little science experiment.
will keep you posted

Anonymous said...

Have some delicious kool-aid.

Anonymous said...

okay kate, i ate my first grape kool-aid pickle today..as they have been marinating for over a week.
wow, i was really surprised. they are quite tasty (by the way, i ended up removing the vinegar too..it just seemed like too much liquid).
it tastes like a sweet, grape flavored pickle...imagine that?!?!
have you completed yours?

Kate said...

I tried my first pickle over the weekend. Yuck. Should have known - it basically turned my nice vinegary dill pickles into gakky bread-and-butters. I've always hated sweet pickles, don't know why I thought these would be any different. I kinda liked the cherry flavor, but definitely didn't like the sugar. Anyway, I'll probably keep them around until next weekend and try to feed them to my parents... glad you liked yours, Erin!