

So I work for a small office (30) of a huge company (20,000). And we're probably not technically supposed to bring our dogs to work. But I do sometimes, because everyone knows and loves Banjo, and he's quiet, and sits under my desk and gives me licks when I need them. No problem, right?

Anyway, around 2:30 today, a frantic looking AA comes into my cube and informs me that the Chief Operating Officer (#2 in command) of the entire company is here at our office for the first time in history and he wants to meet everyone. And he's only two cubes away. She advises me to tell him that we're just "stopping by for a few minutes", but it is pretty obvious upon looking around that I'm set up for the day. Holy crap.

I start to sweat, shove Banjo under my desk and tell him to "stay". He does, like the good little guy he is. Moments later, COO arrives and starts chatting. More sweating, praying that dog will stay under the desk. I keep hoping he'll leave but he seems really intent on getting to know me. After about 5 minutes, Banjo decides enough is enough and that he wants to smell the fancy person yapping in my cubicle. Holy Crap.

Before I know it the fancy COO is rolling on the ground, playing with my dog and telling me about his beloved six pound maltese at home. Banjo is happily licking him. COO is a good person! Disaster averted! I still have a job! Huzzah!!

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