

After much internal debate, Tom and I decided to get a Wii. We already own a playstation that was purchased on a whim three years ago and basically gathers dust in our cabinet. But we've heard enough good things about the Wii, and really like the kind of games it offers so we decided to spring for it. The Wii is the first gaming system with gyroscopes built into the controller, so you actually hold the controllers and move them around in space to make your players move. It is awesome. Tom is clearly the house champion in wii boxing and wii tennis, while my fortes are golf and Mario games. At any rate, I took this video of Tom and Dustin boxing the other day and thought I would put it up here for the general enjoyment of the public...


Anonymous said...

Eh. Go to the library. Take a walk.

Kate said...

Interestingly enough, I just got back from the library. And we take two walks a day. Pbbttthhh.

Anonymous said...

Lest you be wondering, that first comment is not from parental units...at least not those east of the Mississippi! My guess is it is Steve. However, I have no idea what Wii is! I am glad you are 'fake' boxing and not the real thing. Is Banjo any good at it? I like his videos much more!
Mom on Cape

Anonymous said...

My favorite part about the Wii controller is that people who used to jump in Mario Brothers by moving the controller around are suddenly in their element.

Anonymous said...

Nice, I have one Linda got me for my birthday and I love Wii sports. I bet I could take Tom in boxing ;) . I'd also recommend Wii Play - the Pool game is pretty good. My Wii code is 2236 3584 8027 7291. Wii should be Wii friends!

Unfortunately I haven't had much time to play it lately - as you know I've been so busy I haven't even called you back. Sorry about that, and don't worry, Wii communication is not my substitute for real communication.


Steve said...

Grouchy anonymous man is most likely Ari. I'm the sarcastic signed-in one.

As a member of the computer chip industry, I feel obligated to point out that the controler does not have "gyroscopes" but in fact has solid-state silicon accelerometers to detect movement and an IR camera to detect orientation.

Good article

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Steve, I was going to point out that gyroscope mistake, but I let it slide. And Ari was my second guess.
Mom on the Cape

Kate said...

I'm a little offended that our wii post has garnered a world-record 8 comments, yet no one seems to care about my fruit salad.

If I don't post for a few days it is because I am weeping into a bowl of chopped mangos.