
Linxtaposition, Wednesday Edition

Today I noticed that the Lockheed Martin internal webpage's "News Links" section offered one headline in particular that piqued my interest, mostly because of how it stood out from all the other military/defense contractor/space-mission status stories that are typically linked there. Click on the image to see for yourself:

Yes, that's right - next to "Japan Plans Missile Defense Warning Satellites" (yikes! that site is called Space War - Your World at War) and "Air Force Expected to Award $1.8B GPS Contract" is the groundbreaking story by the headline "Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens," in all of its four paragraphs of glory, as reported by venerable Yahoo! News (ok, it's actually the AP, but still). Anyways, if any of you out there were secretly repressing your extra-terrestrial beliefs for fear of religious repercussions, today is your lucky day. I'm sure there are more jokes in there somewhere. Maybe this will pave the way for a Dana Scully profession of supernatural faith, given that the title of the upcoming X-Files movie sequel is "I Want to Believe."


Kaitlyn said...

Speaking of aliens...

Marc said...

I saw this story on the BBC news feed. What caught my eye was that in the last paragraph of this article they state that "the Vatican is organising a conference next year to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of the author of the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin".

Now that might be a really interesting science meeting...

Tom said...

I also just like the idea that the Director of the Vatican Observatory (presumably a reasonably well-respected scientist) has written an article titled "Aliens are My Brother." Maybe there is something lost in translation there...