
Super dog tricks

Following up on an earlier post, here is installment #2 of silly tricks that Banjo can do. He takes requests!


Anonymous said...

Banjo is one super dog! I can't believe he allows those treats to sit on his paws that long. Was he stuffed from all the other tricks? Lucky, the previous holder of 'favorite dog in the family' title, should be forced to watch those videos daily until he can look at food without inhaling it instantaneously.

Kaitlyn said...

I can't get enough of Banjo tricks! When does installment 3 come out!?! You should try teaching him to play dead. :)

Tom said...

We might have to teach him some new stuff for installment 3, or perhaps we could do a Banjo blooper reel post. We have some nice videos of him not quite jumping over my arm, or rolling the opposite direction he's supposed to.