

In college, we played lots of variations of "assassin" with our friends. The gist of it is that a bunch of people sign up and then everyone gets someone else's name to "assassinate". Your mission is to find your target and shoot them with a squirt gun, or kiss them, or dump chocolate pudding on their head (never tried this one, but it would be fun!). Then you get their "target" and the game continues until there is just one person standing.

Anyway, I saw this article today about an international game of "knitting socksassins". You knit a pair of socks as fast as you can and mail them to a "target". If they get your socks before they have finished theirs, they'll mail you their partially completed pair and you have to finish them and mail to the new target.

I know we've got a bunch of knitters in our readership - I challenge you to sign up and take part in this! You've got one day - deadline is May 3! Good luck...


A said...
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Anonymous said...

Kate! How did I miss this? I am definitely in next year.