
Dartmouth Police Blotter

Reading the "police activity" column in the college newspaper was always a highlight for me - I thought I would share the most recent column with you all. It certainly presents a quaint view of "crime" in a small town...

Jan. 4, 11:29 a.m., North Main Street
Police were called when a man entered the back seat of a woman's car and asked for a ride. Several onlookers assisted in removing him from the car. Police arrested him and identified the suspect as a Dartmouth alumnus, the subject of several student complaints. The man's last known address was the Shady Lawn Motel in White River Junction.

Jan. 7, 1:17 a.m., Webster Avenue
Police responded to a call from Chi Gamma Epsilon fraternity where an arm-wrestling bout ended in a traumatic injury. An individual suffered a broken arm and was transported away by ambulance.

Jan. 7, 2:53 a.m., Webster Avenue
A Hanover Police officer on patrol spotted three subjects knocking over a trash can on Webster Avenue near North Main Street. The officer determined that all three individuals were intoxicated and arrested them for unlawful possession. A dispatcher monitoring the security cameras at the police station spotted one of the subjects throwing something into the garbage can while waiting in the booking room. Police learned that the object was a false identification card. The three individuals, one Dartmouth freshman and two visiting students, have a court date on Jan 30.

Jan. 7, 5:24 a.m., Webster Avenue
A fire alarm sounded after a shut chimney flue in Bones Gate fraternity's fireplace caused smoke to pour into the building. Police officers and firefighters arrived on the scene to find that only two residents had been evacuated. The remaining residents were then evacuated. One resident resisted and was then arrested.

Jan. 8, 8:26 a.m., North Main Street
An employee working at Sherman House called Hanover Police after arriving in the morning to find the door of the copy room forced open. It appeared as if nothing had been taken.

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