
DC Visit

This is a little bit belated, but I went to DC for a meeting at NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center last week, and got to do a little bit of sightseeing too. The evening we got in I took the Metro from Greenbelt (where Goddard is) into town and walked around for a while. My main mission was to see the World War II memorial, as that was one of the main monument/memorials I hadn't yet seen around the mall area. I know there is some controversy about it, but I was impressed with it - I think it blends pretty seamlessly into the reflecting pool area between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial without really feeling in the way. It's sunken into the ground and incorporates water, so that helps. I really liked the numerous bronze reliefs that depict WWII era life as you walk into the memorial, and the "Freedom Wall" that has 4048 gold stars, each representing about 100 Americans who died in the war. Being there at night made for some nice reflections, too. Also, I had the place completely to myself. I'm sure that made it feel more unique, too, although being 8pm on a 20 degree Tuesday night, I'm not too surprised nobody else was crazy enough to be out there. Following that I had a fantastic bowl of Crab and Corn Chowder at the Capitol City Brewing Company on 11th and H, I think. Man, that's good chowder - If you are going to DC anytime soon, I highly recommend you put both of these on your to-do list.


Anonymous said...

That's funny that you were in DC last week! Jeff and I were visiting Philpy in DC over MLK weekend - we left Monday afternoon. Too bad we missed you! I'm glad you had a good visit, though. We did too - did you get to the National Archives or the National Portrait Gallery/American Art Museum? They just redid them all not that long ago, and there were some pretty cool exhibits inside... lots and lots of good art, too. : )

Tom said...

Unfortunately I got into BWI at 3:30pm on a Tuesday, so after driving to Greenbelt and then taking the subway into town it was already 6pm or something, and all the museums were closed. I will probably be making more (and longer) trips to DC this summer once we deliver our telescope, and I'm looking forward to taking some time to see what's new in the various museums then. Maybe catch another Nats game with Philpy, too!