Our little family of three has grown by 600%!

Several weeks ago I decided to bring our fish tank out of retirement. When you first set up a tank, you have to put 4-5 hearty fish in it in order to help the tank develop a colony of nitrate-fixing bacteria to deal with the waste products. So I started off with five barbs, which are notoriously tough fish - three gold and two green, . Four of them made it, and they have doubled in size since I got them. They're the four fish who are obvious in the front of this photo. Last weekend I decided it was safe to add some more fish, so we got four dwarf platys (all males because I don't like to deal with liveborn babies), six cardinal tetras (Tom's favorite), and three angelfish (two marble and one striped). You can see the red platys in the top right of the photo, and the cardinals behind the red rock. I think you can spy part of the striped angelfish in the far right corner - they spent most of their first two days in the tank hiding back there.
So far everyone has been doing OK - I'm starting to get attached enough to start thinking about names. Any suggestions?
Cumbersnot Jr.
Those are all good choices. One of the fish, however, will need to be named "Larda$$" due to his penchant for muscling his way to extra servings of food.
You do know that in certain quarters (such as the friends I was hanging out with last night), my nickname is 'lardbottom' - derived from the fact that I'm 'Berlard' on my passport.
You could call the fish lardbottom2 instead of larda$$, and name it after me!
See y'all tonight, part II.
Done and Done. Look forward to introducing the two of you tonight...
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