
Itch Itch

So, I made a bad decision last week. As a little background, I was doing some geological mapping at a former mercury mine down in San Jose. I had been to the site before, and knew that there was poison oak all over, so I brought a tyvek suit with me as protection. Anyway, I was working in a portion of the site that was a little less infested than the rest of the site, and as the sun began to rise higher and I started getting hotter and hotter, wearing a non-breathing long-sleeved tyvek started looking less and less appealing. So I didn't wear it. And now I've got poison oak.

There isn't really a point to this post except that I've already done about as much complaining to my friends up here as I can justify so I'm reaching out to a new audience for sympathy. I ITCH!!


Anonymous said...

Aw, son...

Steve said...

You're gonna need an ocean of calamine lotion.

Anonymous said...

Kate,as Bubba Clinton would say, I feel your pain. When I was 10 I had poison ivy all over, including throat, for a week. Tyvek suits weren't an option; I was just clueless. Calamine and related topicals do work...
-Cape Cod Parental Unit

Anonymous said...

Man. Rough health days for Silicon Valley bloggers...