
Powell's Endorsement

If you have not yet done so, I encourage you to listen to/watch/read Colin Powell's explanation of his recent endorsement of Barack Obama. I know I'm not alone in my respect for and admiration of Powell for reasons beyond his political affiliation - his personal story, career accomplishments, and service to our country are all very impressive. Coming from someone with his degree of foreign policy experience, I believe Powell's backing of Obama - in particular over McCain - says volumes about his ability to lead on a world stage, despite the McCain campaign's efforts to propogate an image of inexperience and naivete. Hopefully Powell's message will reach some of the people out there that still think Obama is a Muslim (but as Powell says, "So what if he was?") who cavorts with terrorists. Then they would at least be making a more informed decision on Nov. 4.

Also, it's nice to hear Colin Powell speak without the shock collar of the Bush administration tight around his neck.


Anonymous said...

I thought the two-part interview seemed here was good. I'm sure one of them is the same one you posted.

Tom said...

Well said, Maureen Dowd.

Also, wow, people can be ignorant:

"Powell got a note from Feroze Khan this week thanking him for telling the world that Muslim-Americans are as good as any others. But he also received more e-mails insisting that Obama is a Muslim and one calling him “unconstitutional and unbiblical” for daring to support a socialist. He got a mass e-mail from a man wanting to spread the word that Obama was reading a book about the end of America written by a fellow Muslim.

“Holy cow!” Powell thought. Upon checking Amazon.com, he saw that it was a reference to Fareed Zakaria, a Muslim who writes a Newsweek column and hosts a CNN foreign affairs show. His latest book is “The Post-American World.”

Anonymous said...

I don't know. Like, four years ago I used to enjoy Maureen Dowd articles. And I always used to share them with my friend Kate (unrelated to this blog). But somewhere in there, she started writing total trash, complete gibberish. I can't even bring myself to click on things she's written anymore. They're idiotic beyond words.

I'm skeptical that whatever you've linked to is worthwhile, and I'm not even going to look at it.

Tom said...

I mostly thought it was comical/depressing to point out the whole Fareed Zakaria thing. But you are of course entitled to your opinion of that opinion writer's opinions.

Anonymous said...

The comments seem to agree with me here.

And there's ever the link to the article buried in there. Which is even a little bit more hideous than they are usually these days.

Steve said...

I was so glad someone finally said, "So what if he is?" Maybe he gave courage to a McCain supporter to draw the line as well.

And yeah, Maureen Dowd often writes whacko stuff these days. The Fareed Zakaria point excepted.