
Mail Goggles

This is kind of funny - Google has launched "Mail Goggles," a play on the phrase "Beer Goggles" but in actuality a real tool they are offering as part of Gmail that makes you pass a self-imposed online sobriety test before sending potentially inappropriate or soon-to-be regretted late-night emails.

You set the days and times you want it to apply,

and then I guess you have to answer a little quiz before Gmail will send a message during those times. Here's what a test looks like:

I wonder how many fewer emails Kangas would have received had this been in place at Dartmouth, eh? Maybe someone out there should make "Blitz Goggles."


Anonymous said...

I emailed that to SteveSliva earlier today. Did he forward it to you, or did you find it independently?

Tom said...

I didn't hear about it from Steve. Do you think Steve needs Mail Goggles or something?

Anonymous said...

Steve's email reply from earlier: "Are you implying that I need this?"